Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Year, new plans

We're more than two weeks into the new year, and I've made no solid resolutions because I always need to give myself time to think.  This year I think I will depart from my usual list of projects and things to do, and go with the bit more abstract, self-improvement goals...mostly.

Pick up my camera more often.  After the trip to New York I found myself falling out of love with my cameras and taking pictures.  I realize this is mostly due to my limited movement and not getting out much, so as I gain more movement I resolve to pick up my camera more often, and to challenge myself with photography.

Get better.  I realize this one is rather abstract, but after so many issues with my back I am glad to be slowly recovering my strength and I plan to work on it as hard as I can.

Create.  All I tend to do is muse and sketch out ideas, and I plan to motivate myself to create more.  I'm going to set aside some time each day just for creating.  No cleaning the office or organizing my pit of a desk, just making.

That's it for now, but I'm sure there will always be more to add.

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