I’ve loved Scrubs from the beginning, but as much as I love the show I love the music even more. Some of the songs are by artists I already love, but many are new to me and help me discover new songs and new artists. One of the episodes this week “My Lawyer’s in Love” showcased an actress/musician as the children’s ward entertainer. Her songs were adorable and catchy, so Richard and I looked into the credits and looked her up. Turns out she’s even more adorable than I knew. Her name is
Kate Micucci and you should check out her website - she has a few songs available for free download.

I especially like the video and the song “Dear Deer” as well as the song “Walking in Los Angeles” and I must say I can’t wait to find her album!
NOTE: I take back what I said about the free downloads, the songs are no longer listed, but there are links up to purchase her music on CD baby and listen to the songs on Myspace.
photo from