I have to add another blog to my “Daily Visits” list, cause, well, she’s just darn crafty!
The Sweetie Pie Press seems to be full of wonderful things. What drew my attention to it was her call for security envelopes, the project she’s undertaking is both staggering and rather awe-inspiring. I was reminded of a similar call for clothing labels (the ones in the back of your shirts) from an artist that was posted in the Milwaukee Art Museum. What I’ve gathered so far about Sweetie Pie Press is that it is run by Becky, who has an impressive etsy shop, and I may not be lucky enough to navigate away from before buying something. Either way I can't wait to see what becomes of her security envelope pattern project!
EDIT: After further research I’ve discovered the artist that was asking for clothing labels. Her name is Terese Agnew, and you can find the story about her piece here. And goodness, I didn’t realize it was so long ago! I need to visit the museum sometime soon!
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