Friday, May 27, 2011

Progress is a Missing Pink Tub

It's only been a couple of months since the office got it's overhaul cleaning, and now it's a wreck again.  But now it's a wreck I can love.  Since I haven't had much time to do actual work in the office it has become packing central.  There are both full and half packed boxes stacking their way up the wall as the rest of the upstairs is packed and carted into the room.

Today I'm setting the (hopefully) achievable goal of packing ten boxes before I leave the apartments at 4 pm.  That gives me about 5 hours, so it should be doable.  I also want to go around the house and gather up some of the scattered cleaning supplies and various do-dads (like sharpies and spare curtains) that need to be at the house now.

Here are some "in progress" shots of the house... it's mostly destruction. 

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